Inside journeys at Spirit of Gravity

Andrew and I completed our residency at Rose Hill Arts last November. We enjoyed the residency immensely and are delighted with the piece we produced, which we performed at the end of 2022. The live show featured Dr Geoffrey Mead, a local historian who we consulted with on the piece, and who gave a series of vignettes on the history or the area around the Rose Hill as part of the performance. The Rose Hill is releasing it on their record label in early 2024.

We are both members of the Spirit of Gravity collective, so when a slot came up at the April show we were able to put ourselves forward to play a shorter version of the piece. We performed it at the Rossi Bar, Brighton, on 6th April. Jim Purbrick (Alien Alarms) filmed the show. Jim records all the Spirit of Gravity shows and always does a great job, so its worth giving it a watch if you have the time.

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